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Get Help

If you or someone you know needs financial assistance/support or help connecting to a LGBTQ+-affirming service, please fill out the form below.


Dorian Gray Foundation has funds available for the following resources/services for housing insecure youth: 

  • Funding assistance for transitional housing/safe shelter

  • Gender-affirming or seasonal clothing

  • Funding for mental health services

  • Food/basic necessities

  • Other (please let us know on the form how else we can help) 


The Dorian Gray Foundation works with other LGBTQ+-affirming local businesses to help provide funding for and connect individuals directly to their needs. 

Application for Funding

Please input a brief description of type of service/funding needed, who the funding is for (feel free to be as generic or descriptive as you are comfortable), when the funding will be needed, how we can get in contact with the individual/caregiver/etc, and any additional information you would like to provide:

The Dorian Gray Foundation is run by a small group of individuals. We will get back to all requests as soon as we can!

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